söndag 31 maj 2015


Our conscious lives run deep
you cling onto your mountain while we sleep
this way of life is part of me
there is no price so only let me be
And, should the children weep
the turning world will sing their souls to sleep
When you have sunk without a trace
the universe will suck me into place.
-Sting "We Work the Black Steam"
The Gypsies appear to have another, related role to play in the history of the world. They are the wildcards, the trump cards of fate, as it were. Something in every Gypsy's blood provides the potential for that Gypsy to find herself playing a key role in history. It has happened many times in the past, and it is sure to happen many times in the future.
The Gypsies hold that there is no way of knowing who will be selected to play such a role or why, save perhaps that the Gypsy is somehow in the right place at the crucial time. Young Gypsy children are always told that they should follow their instincts; and that if they are chosen to play fate's hand, they will know it when the time comes.


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