lördag 21 maj 2016

Lesser Auguries

The greater auguries comprise the most popular and flexible styles of fortune-telling among the Gypsies. However, there are many other methods available. Some are age-old, while others have only sprung up in recent years. Each of the lesser auguries specializes in a certain type of knowledge, and it is easier for seers to follow the threads of time along this path. Characters gain a -2 difficulty modifier when searching for knowledge that falls within their lesser augury's speciality area. For example, a Gypsy seer using dazing (speciality: death knowledge) attempting to look back in time at at murder receives a -2 difficulty modifier to her attempt.
Although it is possible to attempt to gain any type of knowledge with lesser augury, the chances learning anything about other areas of knowledge is slim. Characters receive a +2 modfier to the difficulty level of any other type of knowledge. In the example above, the seer using the dazing augury decides to look into the future to determine if her lover will be unfaithful. She receives a +2 difficulty level to this attempt, at it is not directly related to death.
Clever players may be able to use both their methods of lesser augury to learn about the same incident or person; however, they must be careful to concentrate on the subject from two entirely different angles, or else their vision will be blocked as discussed above. For example, the seer Katerina could use her skill at dazing to determine some of the facts regarding a murder. She could then use her skill at fire reading to determine more about the murderer's passions, perhaps determining that the murderer both loved and hated the victim.
A few of the rarer and/or methods, or lesser auguries, are listed below. Storytellers and players should feel free to create other types of lesser auguries, deciding what type of knowledge each method specializes in.

Casting: Whether the casting is done with runes, dice, sticks, crystals, stones or a host of other materials, the seer studies the pattern of the toss. Searching out patterns, placements, and in some cases markings, the seer seeks the information her Blood tells her is revealed in the cast. Many Rom always carry dice or dominoes with which to make castings for both gaje marks and themselves.
Specialities: Knowledge of accidents, unexpected actions, and acts of fate.

Dazing: Bright strobes, neon lights and the overpowering blare of driving music are often combined in the visionary method known as dazing. At a minimum, the seer must steadily stare at bright, flashing lights for several minutes. The seer lets the light and the after-image flash across her eyes while the vision (hopefully) imprints itself on her mind's eye. A recent phenomenon among the Rom, this method of invoking the Sight is most common among the seers of the Knife Tribe (Slayers).
For Gypsy seers who enjoy hacking and other computer-related activities, the monitor can aid in the dazing process. A few such seers have been known to use fractals to induce vision.
Specialty: Death knowledge.

Fire Reading: The hypnotic flame of the Romani campfires licking into the night sky have long been useful in stirring the visions of the prophets among Rom. A seer who chooses this method will sit before an open fire, perhaps tossing small handfuls of salt onto the fire as it dies down. For those witht the Sight, images may dance within the shining flames and smoke of the fire. This methid is particularly favored by the seers of the Lupine clan.
Specialty: Knowledge regarding matters of love and hate.

Hand reading: Often known as palmistry, this method of dukkerin actually involves the subject´s entire hand. Although many gaje think hand reading is as simple as searching out of a life line here and a love line there, hand reading is a highly exacting method requiring years of study. Every lump and whorl, every line and callous, the length of the fingers and the breadth of the hand - all are studied to gain insights into the individual in question. Often the Gypsy giving the reading will ask many questions of her subject over the course of the reading.
Specialty: This augury may only be used to determine events directly related to the individual being studied, or involving his or her direct ancestors and descendants. Any sort of knowledge can be determined; however, the seer receives the +2 difficulty modifier when attempting to determine information about the subjects' ancestors or descendants.

Knives and Needles: Both knives and needles can be used to discern relatively simple information using the Sight. The knife or needle is suspended by a piece of string or thread and allowed to hang free. A piece of paper with a few simple answers on it, or perhaps a map, is placed beneath the instrument. The seer then places one finger lightly on top of the makeshift apparatus. Concentrating on the desired information, the seer relaxes. If the seer is successful, the knife or needle will slowly begin to move back and forth in the direction of the correct answer or proper place on the map.
Among certain city Rom, the practice of keeping the special needle pierced in an ear lobe or other body part, except when used in the divination, has become very popular recently. Those who do this maintain that it provides more accurate readings.
Specialty: Knowledge regarding where and when things and people are in time and space.

Thrashing: Some of the younger Rom use the frenetic energy and release of dance to bring their talent into focus. This method is frequently accompanied by alcohol and drug use, but not always. Thrashing, slamming, and other frenetic dance forms seem to work best. As with the method of dazing, discussed  above, just when the seer's body reaches its physical limits he is often violently besieged with images and symbols. It is wise for those who use this method to keep a tape recorder going, because the seer usually loses consciousness soon after the images fade, and the visions are often forgotten upon walking.
Specialty: Knowledge of pain and conflict.

- Teeuwynn

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