lördag 28 februari 2015


Syrensocker socker och blommor
mixa på plåt i 17m
eller rosviolsocker

let 20 l in small pieces
Rhubarbs boil in 5 l water for 15 min
filter and put the filtered rhubarbs in a new fresh pot
Cook up the juice again, with 5 kg sugar
important to pour in the sugar slowly ... move /stir all the time all scum has to be removed from the top of the boiling mass
wash and rinse the bottles with some atamon/ natriumbensoat, the corks also
take the boiling pot from the stove pour 1/2 teaspoon of the natriumbensoat to every liter juice you have in the pot and stir
pour in the juice in the bottles


4 droppar bergamottolja
4 droppar mynta
4 droppar ylang
4 droppar kanel
för viktiga avtal och möten eventuellt istället perpparmyntsolja /jord

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